

“Chase after the truth like all hell you’ll free yourself, even though you never touch its coattails.”

            - Clarence Darrow

Search for the truth in everything even if you'll never come close to finding it, because even if you don’t, it will free your mind knowing that you are trying to live a truer life.

People seem to find happiness in truth, which is where the expression “the truth will set you free” comes from, because it literally sets people free. It will set you free from your worries and your struggles, if you have an understanding of why everything that’s happening, is happening. Even if what people find is only a fraction of the truth, it sets your mind at ease, and leaves you content with what worldly knowledge you acquired; because understanding a fraction of the truth is more satisfying than living in ignorance.

The “truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” is impossible to attest to. Everybody has different biases on what the truth looks like, which makes finding the whole truth absolutely impossible. However, if you endeavour the challenge of opening your mind to the truth, it will leave your mind at peace.

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