
Slut Walk

What you wear may increase the amount of sexual harassment you receive, however, if a man has it in his head to rape you, what you are wearing often times is not a factor. Rape is about empowerment, proving they have the ability to rape you, and less about sex. Although the constable’s statement fits the Bill of Sexual Harassment, it is this mentality that will make rape victims more and more intimidated to press charges against attackers. 

Rape survivors have to live with the shame and the guilt everyday. No matter where, or how, or by whom, this feeling of individual responsibility never goes away. One of the main reasons for this feeling is because of people like this. People who have ignorant biases, and have no idea what it feels like to live with that shameful feeling for the rest of life.  This attitude is only promoting the rape women. 

Although his statement was not proper, neither was the way the women handled it. If they were looking for negative attention they have most definitely received it. For the most part fully clothed women of all ages partook in the parade. However, dressing in scantily clad clothing and parading around the streets of Toronto would only further those ignorant comments. There could have been a much classier solution to that statement rather than the manner in which some of those women behaved in.

"We live in a society that teaches don't get raped, instead of don't rape!"


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